Why now is the right time to move jobs!

Pubished 1st February 2021

Written by Rob Sugden.

It might seem a bit counter-intuitive changing jobs in the middle of a national lockdown, but there has never been a better time to find your next role and move your career forward.

Before I go any further, I’d like to caveat that I’m only talking about jobs in the Digital, Technology & Data sectors. It might be the same in others, but they're not my area of knowledge.

Right now, the demand is unprecedented, as an industry we have been largely unaffected by the downturn, second only to Healthcare in terms of stability. There are so many jobs out there right now candidates have the pick of them.

But candidates in stable jobs are less interested in moving, and while everyone has their reasons, these are the 5 recurring concerns we’re hearing;

  • The perceived risk, I don’t want to be last in first out if I join somewhere that then make redundancies
  • I don’t want to go through the hassle of an interview process while juggling work and home-schooling
  • I don’t want to start a new role remotely
  • I won’t get a proper feel for team/business/office if I interview remotely
  • It’s dark, damp and miserable and I can’t be bothered at the moment

So, let’s look at those reasons in a little more detail…

I don’t want to be last in first out

Yes, I suppose there is a small risk of that but as I said our industry hasn’t been too badly affected, those companies who had to make redundancies did so last year and most businesses are now growing, and in some cases looking to make up for the lost time in 2020. Surely a company hiring now is a great sign of their stability. Ultimately it will come down to a bit of common sense and judgment, but I’d advise not writing off an opportunity because of unfounded fear. Instead, take some time to investigate the company and their sector then make an informed decision.

I don’t want to go through the hassle of an interview process while juggling work and home-schooling

I can totally understand this one, it’s a challenge fitting in my job while also helping my daughter with her maths but prospective employers are aware of this and will in many cases go out of their way to be accommodating. Whether that's doing the process over fewer rounds, shortening the interviews or organizing them outside normal working hours. Remember it’s all remote so there’s no need to travel anywhere so you can probably fit something in on your lunch break or while Netflix amuses the kids. When we get back to normality you might have to use a valuable days holiday to attend an interview.

I don’t want to start a role remotely

Yes, this will probably feel a little strange but only because it’s not something you’ve done before. The fact is thousands of people start new roles remotely every year in normal circumstances and that number has increased through the pandemic. All the organizations we work with have had to adapt their onboarding process to ensure new starters still get a great experience. These processes are tried and tested now so it’s nothing to be concerned about.

I won’t get a proper feel for team/business/office if I interview remotely

It’s been the best part of a year now since most of our clients conducted face to face interviews and over that time, they’ve worked hard to make sure prospective employees get the right experience and feel during the interview process so that they can make an informed decision on whether the role and company are for them. Give it a go, I think you’d be surprised and if you do have any concerns these companies are aware of the challenges and always accommodating.

I can’t be bothered at the moment

Probably a little harder to deal with this one logically, with the lack of sunlight, what seems like constant rain (in Manchester anyway) and nothing to do, it’s easy for a bit of lethargy to set in. Maybe a new role is just what you need to give you something to focus on, new challenges, new products, new technologies.

Looking at it objectively the reasons not to move don’t seem so big anymore, and then there are the reasons to move now;

  • There are loads of jobs out there so you can find the right role for you
  • Remote interview processes mean less impact on your day
  • Many organizations are building new product teams, starting transformations, or kicking off projects. It’s the chance for you to get in at the beginning of something
  • The vaccine is here, and we can see a light at the end of the tunnel, why wait until then the sooner you move the sooner your career can take that step forward
  • There’s less competition for the best jobs right now, as I said a lot of people are worried about moving now and they’re not all going to read this article, but this won’t last

When it all adds up there’s never been a better time to move and remember there’s no rush. Have a chat with a consultant about what your perfect job would look like and let them talk you through a few options on the market, there’s no harm in looking and you never know what you’ll find.

If your career, like a lot of people, has been on hold for the last 10 months then why wait any longer? Don’t let the current situation we find ourselves in hold you back and instead take control of your career and move forward.